Edit Account Information


You can edit your account information, including your account’s primary technical contact, billing address, and logo.

 To edit this information, you must be an Account Admin or Member with the account-level permission, “Access billing & account info.”

All of these items can be edited in your Account Information.

In your Account Settings, click Edit Account Information. Under Basic information, you can add, replace, or delete a logo:

Within Edit Account Information, the top section is titled Basic information. Under the title is the Company Name on the account. Under that is the Company logo. The Customer.io logo is uploaded. There are two buttons underneath it: Delete and Replace.
Within Edit Account Information, the top section is titled Basic information. Under the title is the Company Name on the account. Under that is the Company logo. The Customer.io logo is uploaded. There are two buttons underneath it: Delete and Replace.

Please note that the file must be more than 200x200 pixels. The logo image will be automatically cropped to a square. We accept BMP, JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF files. We do not support SVG.

After you save, the logo will appear in the top-left of each workspace in the navigation bar:

A screen shot of the top-left navigation bar of a workspace. The Customer.io logo is on the left. To the right is the name of a workspace Ami Academy.
A screen shot of the top-left navigation bar of a workspace. The Customer.io logo is on the left. To the right is the name of a workspace Ami Academy.

Changing your invoice email address

In Account Settings, one of the contact details you can customize is the “Invoice email address.” This is the email to which we send your account’s invoices.

By default, this address is the one you signed up with. If you want to change who we send invoices to, click Edit Account Information in the top right, change the address, then add it once more in the confirm field.

A screenshot showing a section of Edit Account Information in Account settings. Under Email Settings, there's a text-entry field titled Invoice Mail Address. And to the right is another field titled Confirm Invoice Email. In both fields is billing@example.com.
A screenshot showing a section of Edit Account Information in Account settings. Under Email Settings, there's a text-entry field titled Invoice Mail Address. And to the right is another field titled Confirm Invoice Email. In both fields is billing@example.com.

Click Save changes at the bottom right.

If you don’t customize the address or if you leave the field empty, invoices will go to the email address you signed up with when you created your Customer.io account.

By default, your legal contact is the same as the email address you signed up with. If you want to change who we send legal updates and information to, go to Account Information, click Edit Account Information in the top right, change the address, then add it once more in the confirm field.

A screenshot showing a section of Edit Account Information in Account settings. Under Email Settings, there's a text-entry field titled Legal E-mail Address. And to the right is another field titled Confirm Legal Email. In both fields is legal@example.com.
A screenshot showing a section of Edit Account Information in Account settings. Under Email Settings, there's a text-entry field titled Legal E-mail Address. And to the right is another field titled Confirm Legal Email. In both fields is legal@example.com.

Click Save changes at the bottom right.

If you don’t customize the address or if you leave the field empty, invoices will go to the email address you signed up with when you created your Customer.io account.

Specifying a technical contact

Also in Account Settings, the “Primary technical contact” is the person to whose attention we bring any engineering-related problems. By default, we let all your account admins know.

If you click “Specify email address,” you can specify someone else we should contact. For example, if there’s an operational issue with your Customer.io setup, we can directly notify the person you think is best-placed to deal with it.

To do this, go to Account Information, click Edit Account Information in the top right, then add and confirm your technical contact’s email address.

A screenshot showing a section of Edit Account Information in Account settings. Under Email Settings, there's a field titled Primary Technical Contact. Underneath that are two radial options. To the left is Send to all account admins. To the right is Specify email address, which is selected. Under that is a text-entry field titled Technical Email Address. And to the right is another field titled Confirm Technical Email. In both fields is engineering-lead@example.com.
A screenshot showing a section of Edit Account Information in Account settings. Under Email Settings, there's a field titled Primary Technical Contact. Underneath that are two radial options. To the left is Send to all account admins. To the right is Specify email address, which is selected. Under that is a text-entry field titled Technical Email Address. And to the right is another field titled Confirm Technical Email. In both fields is engineering-lead@example.com.

Click Save changes at the bottom right.

If you don’t specify a custom email address (or leave the field empty), we’ll notify all account admins.

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