How We Bill


Your subscription determines how we bill for profiles and the integrations available to you. You can find the details of your subscription on the Plans & Billing page.

How it works

When you sign up for, you choose a plan—essentials, premium, or enterprise. Your plan determines how many emails and profilesThe representation of a person or group in People and custom objects both have their own profiles, but we bill based on the total number of profiles in your account. you’re entitled to. Profiles are the peopleAn instance of a person. Generally, a person is synonymous with their profile; there should be a one-to-one relationship between a real person and their profile in You reference a person’s profile attributes in liquid using customer—e.g. {{}}. and objectsAn instance of an object. An object is synonymous with its profile; there should be a one-to-one relationship between an object and its profile in Each has a unique identifier. in your workspace. We don’t differentiate between people and objects for billing purposes; we count them together to make things easy.

In any month, you’re charged for your plan fee for that month plus overages from the previous monthly billing period. For example, when you’re billed in March, you’re charged the plan fee for March plus any overages from February. If you have overages in March, you’ll be charged for those in April.

We charge different rates for email and profile overages:

TypeEssentials RatePremium RateEnterprise Rate
Profiles$0.009 per profileCustom, starting at $0.004 per profileCustom, starting at $0.004 per profile
Emails$0.12 per 1,000 emails$0.12 per 1,000 emails$0.12 per 1,000 emails

You can find the details of your subscription on the Plans & Billing page.

billable people, objects, and emails count and usage
billable people, objects, and emails count and usage

 You must be an Account Admin or Member with the Access billing & account info permission to see billing details.

How to calculate monthly overages

During each monthly billing period, we calculate overages based on:

  • The highest number of profilesThe representation of a person or group in People and custom objects both have their own profiles, but we bill based on the total number of profiles in your account. in your account
  • Emails sent from your account

For emails, this is simple: we count the number of emails you send in a month. For profiles (people and objects), it’s a bit more complex, because you can add and delete them throughout the month.

If a profile exists at any point during the billing period, it counts towards your bill for that month—even if you delete it.

For example, imagine that you begin a monthly billing cycle with 3000 profiles in your account. During the billing period, you add 250 people and delete 50. At the end of the billing period:

  • You have 3200 profiles in your account
  • You’re billed for 3,250 profiles (3000 + 250), because that’s how many total profiles were active in your account throughout the month.
  • The next month’s billing cycle begins with fresh with 3,200 profiles.

Find your billing information and account summary

In your Account Summary, you’ll see counts for current profiles (which excludes deleted profiles) and billable profiles (which includes profiles that you deleted in the billing period).

Your next month’s bill will be your plan fee plus any overages based on billable profiles and emails sent during the previous month.

A screenshot of the right side of the Account Settings page. It lists the current people count, billable people count since the start of the billing period, and number of emails sent since the start of the billing period.
A screenshot of the right side of the Account Settings page. It lists the current people count, billable people count since the start of the billing period, and number of emails sent since the start of the billing period.

Your account settings shows information across workspaces

The Plans & Billing and Account Summary pages count people and objects across ALL workspaces, including ones with a name of “test,” “dev,” or “sandbox.”

  • If the same profileThe representation of a person or group in People and custom objects both have their own profiles, but we bill based on the total number of profiles in your account. exists in multiple workspaces, it counts as multiple profiles for billing.
  • If you delete a profile and add it back in the same billing period, it counts as two profiles for billing.

Parent and child accounts

Usually, you’ll just have one or more workspaces in a single account, but sometimes, you’ll have multiple accounts linked together, too. If your profile count doesn’t add up the way you’d expect, it could be because you connected a “child account” to your “parent account” in the past, which is simply another account whose billing is connected to your main account. We currently do not specify in Account Settings whether you have multiple accounts linked together for billing purposes, so you’ll need to reach out to your CSM or our Billing team if you need confirmation.

Non-email messages and fair use

Your plan includes unlimited in-app messages, push notifications, SMS, and webhook messages. We don’t charge for these kinds of messages.

However, while these messages are unlimited, we have a fair use policy of sixty (60) times the number of profiles in your plan each month (unless otherwise stated in your contract) to protect against abuse. This policy is meant to be generous and exceeds the current sending volume of our most active customers (check your current usage here).

However, if you exceed this policy, we might block or delay your messages. You may receive a warning or be suspended from the platform if you continually exceed this policy without communicating with If you have any questions about our fair use policy, please contact us at

Payment methods

Each month, on your billing date, we will charge the card on file for your subscription for the upcoming billing period. You’ll find billing information in your Account Settings under Plans and Billing.

If you have a premium or enterprise plan, you can choose to pay annually. If you pay annually, we’ll email an invoice to your account’s invoice contact each year. We accept payment for invoices via domestic(US) wire, ACH, or credit card. Additional usage costs for your account are calculated monthly and charged to the credit card on file.


Local, state and federal sales tax may be added to your bill if they are applicable in your location. If your organization is exempt from this for any reason then please email

How to keep track of upcoming bills

Check your Plans & Billing page to see an estimate of your upcoming bill.

If you have questions about your upcoming bill(s), reach out to our billing team.

Where to find receipts

When your billing date rolls around, your invoice or receipt will be sent to the invoice contact on file. You can change who receives these emails by updating your invoice contact on the Account Information page.

If you are an Account Admin, you can also access all historical receipts in your Billing History and view or download them as PDFs.


Mistakes in your bill?

We make every effort to ensure your bill accurately reflects your usage. But you should contact us right away if you think we’ve made a mistake on your bill! Our standard grace period for reviewing payments is three months but we appreciate that each situation is different.

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