

We all deserve to know what’s happening with our data. This page helps you understand our privacy settings and some basics about our privacy policies.

Account privacy settings

You’ll find information about our privacy policy and some settings related to your privacy under Settings > Account Settings > Privacy & Data.

Privacy settings
Privacy settings

Cookie settings

The Performance and troubleshooting setting is enabled by default and lets us use cookies within that help us track activity that we can use to troubleshoot issues in your account and workspaces. You can disable these cookies, but it may hamper our ability to troubleshoot problems you might have.

 You must be an Account Admin to manage cookie settings.

Support team access

By default, employees cannot access your account, workspaces, or the data you store in—your People, messages, etc. The Support access setting grants authorized support staff read-only access to your account, workspaces, and data to help troubleshoot your support requests. You can grant us access for up to 180 days at a time.

You can also enable support team access when you submit a support ticket.

Grant support team access
Grant support team access

 To manage support access, you must be an Account Admin or Member with the account-level permission “Enable access for support teams.”

Premium accounts: Customer Success access

If you’re a Premium customer, you receive help from a Customer Success Manager (CSM). Your CSM may require access to your account to help you—with campaigns, organizing data, and so on. When you enable Customer Success access, your dedicated CSM will have write-access to your account; all other members of the Customer Success team will have read-only access to assist as needed.

If you have questions about this access, your CSM is happy to discuss this with you. You can grant access for a limited period of time and you can revoke access at any time.

Grant your CSM access
Grant your CSM access

 To manage support access, you must be an Account Admin or Member with the account-level permission “Enable access for support teams.” Privacy Policy summary

This is a summary of’s Privacy Policy, specifically the parts we’d want to understand if we were you.

  • We track what you do on our website. We do that so we can answer questions like “How interested is this person in our product?” and “Should we show this person an ad to get them back to our site?”
  • We track what you do in our software. We do that so we can answer questions like “What parts of our product experience need improvement?” and “How do we reproduce that pesky bug?”
  • We send you emails to get you to buy our software and to help you use it. We do our best to keep these emails to a minimum.
  • Any data we collect on you is stored securely. We lay out details on what “securely” means on our Security page.
  • Some of the data we collect gets sent to other companies to make our software work. For example, we use Mailgun to send emails, which means your customers’ email addresses are transmitted to them. We have signed privacy agreements with Mailgun, and every company we send your data to. The point of those agreements is to ensure that these companies’ security standards are just as good as ours.
  • You can use our software to track what your customers do on your site and within your software. By doing that, you may end up storing your customers’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) like name and email address on That’s fine. That data is governed by your own privacy policies. We don’t dictate those outside of asking you not to store passwords or credit card numbers, and not to store PII on children who are less than 18 years old.
  • Some of’s employees have access to view the data in your account. They have that access so they can provide customer service, and so they can bill you for using our software. We make sure our employees take your privacy seriously.
  • If a big government body requests your information for a legal reason, we’ll evaluate the ask. That means we may provide what they’re asking for, and we may not. This kind of thing doesn’t happen much, so we treat every case uniquely.
  • We don’t change our Privacy Policy often, but we do change it. If that happens, we’ll give 30 days’ heads up via email so you know what’s coming.

Got questions? Want to get into the details of our full privacy policy? Don’t want us to track, send, or otherwise process your data in any of the ways listed above? No problem. Send us an email at Alternatively, there are lots of tool you can use that will prevent you from being tracked on any site. Might be worth checking those out.

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