Pinterest Conversions Destination


About this integration

Pintrest lets you create campaigns encouraging people to take actions on your website with checkout, signup, lead, or addtocart events. This integration lets you track and send conversion events to Pintrest to see how well your campaigns perform and optimize them over time—all without installing the Pintrest Tag.

Getting started

  1. Go to the Data Pipelines tab and click Connections.

  2. Click Add New under Destinations.

  3. Select the Pinterest Conversions destination.

  4. (Optional) Select the sources that you want to connect to this destination. You can always connect sources to your destination later. We’ll only show you eligible sources.

  5. Configure your destination.

    1. Ad Account Id: Unique identifier of an ad account. This can be found in the Pinterest UI by following the steps mentioned here.

    2. Conversion Token: The conversion token for your Pinterest account. This can be found in the Pinterest UI by following the steps mentioned here.

    Setup your destination
    Setup your destination

  6. Click Enable Destination.


When you’re done setting up your destination, you can go to the Actions tab to see how we map source events to your destination.

The actions for your destination
The actions for your destination

ActionDefault TriggerDescription
Report Conversion EventReport events directly to Pinterest. Data shared can power Pinterest solutions that will help evaluate ads effectiveness and improve content, targeting, and placement of future ads.

Deduplication with Pinterest Tag

Pinterest doesn’t know if aonversions reported by the Pinterest Tag and conversions reported by the API are the same. Because Pinterest recommends using both the API for Conversions and the Pinterest Tag, they automatically deduplicate events to avoid double-counting of events sent through multiple sources.

For example, imagine that a user triggers an add to cart event and the tag reports the data using 123 as the event ID, and your web server later reports the conversion to the API, also using 123 as the event ID. They’ll look at the event IDs to confirm they correspond to the same event. If they do, Pinterest won’t count the conversion twice, which helps you report conversions using both the tag and the API without having to worry about over-counting conversions.

You should use deduplication for any events they expect to be reported by multiple sources across the API and the Pinterest Tag.

Conversion Events must meet the following requirements to be deduped:

  1. Events have non-empty and non-null values for event_id and event_name
  2. The action_source for events is not offline (for example, events that occurred in the physical world, like in a local store) where the action_source parameter is one of – app_android, app_ios, web, or offline.
  3. The duplicate events arrive within 24 hours of initial, unique events.

Limited Data Processing

Starting from Jan 1, 2023, Pinterest introduced the Limited Data Processing setting per the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This flag helps you comply with CCPA.

You’re responsible for complying with user opt-outs, as well as identifying the user’s state of residency when you implement the Limited Data Processing setting.

This setting can impact campaign performance and targeting use cases. Pinterest recommends that you use the Limited Data Processing setting on a per-user basis for best results.

LDP relies on 3 fields and is enabled only when all 3 combinations are met, if one of them is not met then LDP is disabled / ignored.

Field NameField DescriptionRequired Value for LDP
opt_out_typeOpt Out Type based on User’s privacy preference“LDP”
stState of Residence“CA”
countryCountry of Residence“US”

Hasing Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

We create a SHA-256 hash of the following fields before we send them to Pinterest. This ensures that your user data is stored safely in Pinterest.

  • External ID
  • Mobile Ad Identifier
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country

User Data Parameters

We automatically map user data fields to their corresponding Pinterest parameters as expected by the Conversions API.

User Data FieldConversions API User Data Parameter
External IDexternal_id
Mobile Ad Idhashed_maids
Client IP Addressclient_ip_address
Client User Agentclient_user_agent
Date of Birthdb
Last Nameln
First Namefn
Zip Codezp

Custom Data Parameters

We automatically map custom data fields to their corresponding parameters as expected by the Pinterest’s Conversions API.

User Data FieldConversions API Custom Data Parameter
Content IDscontent_ids
Number of Itemsnum_items
Order IDorder_id
Search Stringsearch_string
Opt Out Typeopt_out_type

Server Event Parameter Requirements

Pinterest requires the action_source server event parameter for all events sent to the Pinterest Conversions API. This parameter specifies where the conversions occur and is one of app_android, app_ios, web, or offline.

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