Journeys Message Metrics Source

Updated Journeys automatically acts as multiple sources of data in Data Pipelines: one source for Journeys Message Metrics and individual sources for each set of Journeys (Track) API credentials. This page is specifically about Journeys Message Metrics. If you want to learn more about using our Track API, web SDK, and mobile SDKs as Data Pipelines sources, see the Journeys API page.

How it works

Journeys captures events relating to message activity—the messages you send, whether or not people open them, when people click them, and so on.

By default, we also forward these events to Data Pipelines as a source. This is the default Journeys Message Metrics source that you see on the Connections page in Data Pipelines.

all API credentials are listed as individual sources
all API credentials are listed as individual sources

Treating incoming Journeys metrics as a source lets you send data to destinations that help you aggregate and analyze audience data, so you follow and chart how your audience reacts to different message channels in your marketing stack.

sequenceDiagram actor c as User participant b as Journeys participant a as Data Pipelines b->>b: Create draft b->>a: Email Drafted metric b->>c: Send email b->>b: Record Email Sent metric b-->>a: Email Sent metric c->>b: User opens email b->>b: Record Email Opened metric b-->>a: Email Opened metric

What metrics do we send to Data Pipelines?

Journeys Message Metrics are the same events we track with reporting webhooks. These are events representing the message lifecycle for each message (email, SMS, push, in-app, etc).

Email successfully rendered a message and populated liquidA syntax that supports variables, letting you personalize messages for your audience. For example, if you want to reference a person’s first name, you might use the variable {{customer.first_name}}. for an individual recipient. The message is ready to send.
Email AttemptedAn email that couldn’t be sent to the delivery provider will be retried.
Email DeferredAn email that the delivery provider couldn’t send will be retried by the delivery provider.
Email SentAn email was sent from to the delivery provider.
Email DeliveredThe delivery provider reported the email was delivered to an inbox.
Email OpenedAn email was opened.
Email ClickedA tracked link in an email was clicked.
Email ConvertedA person matched a conversion goal attributed to an email.
Email UnsubscribedA person unsubscribed via a particular email.
Email BouncedThe delivery provider was unable to deliver the email.
Email DroppedAn email wasn’t sent because it was addressed to a person who was suppressed.
Email SpammedAn email was marked as spam by the recipient.
Email FailedAn email couldn’t be sent to the delivery provider.
email_undeliverableAn email was undeliverable, likely because it hit a message limit.
Push successfully rendered a push notification and populated liquidA syntax that supports variables, letting you personalize messages for your audience. For example, if you want to reference a person’s first name, you might use the variable {{customer.first_name}}. for an individual recipient. The message is ready to send.
Push AttemptedA push notification that couldn’t be sent to the delivery provider will be retried.
Push SentA push notification was sent from to the delivery provider.
Push DeliveredA push notification was delivered to a recipient. You must use our SDKs or report delivered metrics to us using the API.
Push OpenedThe app on a person’s device reported the push notification was opened. You must use our SDKs or report opened metrics to us using the API.
Push ClickedA tracked link in a push notification has been clicked. Note that we do not track Clicked metrics or enable link tracking for push notifications by default. When a person taps a push notification, the message is marked as Opened. If you want to track links specifically, you’d need to send this metric back to us through the metric reporting API.
Push ConvertedA person matched a conversion goal attributed to a push notification.
Push BouncedThe delivery provider reported at least one invalid device token.
Push DroppedA push notification wasn’t sent because at least one device token previously bounced.
Push FailedA push notification couldn’t be sent to the delivery provider.
Push UndeliverableA push notification was undeliverable, likely because it hit a message limit.
SMS successfully rendered an SMS message and populated liquidA syntax that supports variables, letting you personalize messages for your audience. For example, if you want to reference a person’s first name, you might use the variable {{customer.first_name}}. for an individual recipient. The message is ready to send.
SMS AttemptedAn SMS that couldn’t be sent to the delivery provider will be retried.
SMS SentAn SMS was sent from to the delivery provider.
SMS DeliveredThe delivery provider reported the SMS was delivered.
SMS ClickedA tracked link in an SMS has been clicked.
SMS ConvertedA person matched a conversion goal attributed to an SMS.
SMS BouncedThe delivery provider was unable to deliver the SMS.
SMS FailedAn SMS couldn’t be sent to the delivery provider.
SMS UndeliverableAn SMS message was undeliverable, likely because it hit a message limit.
Slack successfully rendered a slack message and populated liquidA syntax that supports variables, letting you personalize messages for your audience. For example, if you want to reference a person’s first name, you might use the variable {{customer.first_name}}. for an individual recipient. The message is ready to send.
Slack AttemptedA slack message that couldn’t be sent will be retried.
Slack SentA slack message was sent from to slack.
Slack ClickedA tracked link in a slack message has been clicked.
Slack FailedA slack message couldn’t be sent to slack.
Slack UndeliverableA Slack message was undeliverable, likely because it hit a message limit.
Webhook successfully populated a webhook with liquidA syntax that supports variables, letting you personalize messages for your audience. For example, if you want to reference a person’s first name, you might use the variable {{customer.first_name}}. and is ready to send it.
Webhook AttemptedA webhook that couldn’t be sent will be retried.
Webhook SentA webhook was sent from to the specified Webhook URL.
Webhook ClickedA tracked link in a webhook payload has been opened.
Webhook FailedA webhook couldn’t be sent to the specified Webhook URL.
Webhook UndeliverableA webhook was undeliverable, likely because it hit a message limit.
In-App successfully rendered an in-app message and is ready to send it.
In-App AttemptedAn in-app that couldn’t be sent will be retried.
In-App SentAn in-app was sent.
In-App OpenedAn in-app was opened.
In-App ClickedA tracked response in an in-app was clicked.
In-App ConvertedA person matched a conversion goal attributed to an in-app.
In-App FailedAn in-app couldn’t be sent.
In-App UndeliverableAn in-app was undeliverable.

Metric Events in Data Pipelines

We map properties from Journeys to Data Pipelines. You can see the complete list of properties in each event in our reporting webhooks. But we’ve provided an example below to show how a metric event recorded in Journeys maps to Data Pipelines.

The event name is the channel and metric—like Email Opened as shown in the example below.

The properties object contains information about the customer, the message (delivery_id), the campaign, broadcast, or transactional ID the message originated from, and so on.

  "type": "track",
  "event": "Email Opened",
  "userId": "12345",
  "messageId": "01H8F21G9KK14JKX233RDFJCNM",
  "timestamp": "2023-08-22T16:42:55.003Z",
  "sentAt": "2023-08-22T16:42:57.739Z",
  "context": {
    "integration": {
      "name": "",
      "version": "2.0.0"
    "traits": {},
    "ip": "",
    "userAgent": " (test; +"
  "properties": {
    "customer_id": "12345",
    "delivery_id": "RKK4AwUAAYoeIC5PHMYd6-vTAYhWkQ==",
    "recipient": "",
    "subject": "Password reset request",
    "transactional_message_id": 8,
    "userId": "12345"
  "integrations": {
    "": false,
    " (Actions)": false
  "receivedAt": "2023-08-22T16:42:57.742Z",
  "originalTimestamp": "2023-08-22T16:42:55.000Z"
Copied to clipboard!
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