Transform data to support destination integrations


 Try moving to a source integration instead

Changing data mappings for Journeys Track API data can be complex. If you’re just getting started, or you plan to re-map your data anyway, you may simply want to update to a newer source integration.

These integrations are based on the Data Pipelines API already, and our libraries make it easier to understand and manage action mappings for destinations.

How it works

By default, we automatically map traffic from Journeys integrations (based on our Track API) to our newer Data Pipelines APIs to support downstream destinationAn integration that sends data out of—your data’s ultimate destination. integrations. But, if you want more control over how we map incoming data to, you can enable the Transform Data feature.

Enabling the Transform Data feature:

  1. Shows all of your Journeys Track API credentials as Internal sources in the Data Pipelines tab.
    all API credentials are listed as individual sources
    all API credentials are listed as individual sources
  2. Exposes your workspace as a destinationAn integration that sends data out of—your data’s ultimate destination.. Before you enable Transform Data, we assume that data from your Journeys API and Journeys integration sources goes to your workspace. After you enable it, you can control which data goes to your workspace and which data goes to other destinations.
  3. Lets you change action mappings for your workspace so you can control how your workspace processes incoming data. Be careful: changing the default workspace mappings means you’re no longer processing data as explained in our documentation.
flowchart LR a(Incoming
Track API Call)-->b{"Is Transform Data enabled?
(Not recommended)"} b-->|no, process track
calls normally|c(
processes call) c-->d(Transform to
source API) d-->e(Send traffic
to destinations) b-.->|"yes, transform
call first (advanced)"|h(Transform to
source API) h-.->i(
processes call) i-.->e

Enable the Transform Data feature

  1. Go to the Data Pipelines tab and click Connections.
  2. Click Transform data, select the Transform data checkbox, and confirm your choice.
    Enable the Transform Data feature
    Enable the Transform Data feature
  3. Now you’ll see all of your Journeys Track API credentials listed as Internal sources, and your workspace itself is listed as an Internal destination.
    internal sources represent your track API transformations
    internal sources represent your track API transformations

 Review the default mappings

Before you change action mappings for your workspace, review our default mappings to understand how we translate your Track API calls to the newer format. Changing these mappings affects the way we process data in your workspace!

Updating action mappings

Updating your workspace’s actions determines how we handle incoming data, including whether we process it at all. If you’ve enabled the Transform Data feature, you can change the default mappings. But keep in mind that changing mappings will affect the data that goes to your workspace!

  1. Go to the Data Pipelines tab and click Connections.

  2. Select the Journeys workspace that you want to update and go to Actions.

  3. From here, you can edit or add actions—including filtering the calls that go to your workspace. For example, you may want to handle an event with a specific name differently from other events. When you edit an action, you can change:

    • Trigger: the conditions that trigger the action. Common conditions include the type (like track or identify), the event name, or an Event Property.
    • Data Structure: the transformations for data matching the trigger. In general, most changes are typically limited to the Optional Data section—additional properties or attributes you want to set when we receive an event or a call matching your trigger conditions.
      Update the data structure, focusing on the trigger and optional properties
      Update the data structure, focusing on the trigger and optional properties
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