
Connect Journeys data sources to destinations


 Just getting started? Use our newer source integrations instead!

This page is about our Journeys Track API and Journeys integration sources. If you’re new to Customer.io, you should integrate with our newer API or native integrations instead. Our newer API and integrations support batching, retry logic, and are where we’re focusing our development efforts.

By default, data from the Journeys Track API or integrations based on the track API (like our JavaScript snippet) are only connected to Customer.io; they don’t send data to your outbound (destinationsAn integration that sends data out of Customer.io—your data’s ultimate destination.)—but you can easily change that!

  1. Go to the Data Pipelines tab and click Connections.
    the integration connections page
    the integration connections page
  2. Select the destination you want to forward your data to and then click Add Source.
    add a source to a destination
    add a source to a destination
  3. Select your Journeys API source from the list of sources. You’ll see a different entry for each set of Track API credentials you have—which includes your Track API integration credentials.
    select the Journeys API source you want to connect to a destination
    select the Journeys API source you want to connect to a destination
  4. Now you’ll see your Journeys Track API source under Internal Sources connected to your destination.
    The connections page showing a Journeys API source connected to a Mixpanel destination
    The connections page showing a Journeys API source connected to a Mixpanel destination

 Give your integrations helpful names

When you set up Journeys integrations, you’ll provide a Name for the integration (or your Track API credentials). Make sure you give your integrations sensible names, like—Production Javascript or Test Environment—so you can easily identify them when you’re setting up destinations.

Each set of Journeys API credentials is a source

When you connect sources to your destination, you’ll see each set of Track API credentials as separate sources. This lets you route each set of credentials to different destinations; you don’t have to forward all Journeys API calls to the same place(s).

Sources are organized by the Name you give to each set of credentials. You may have separate sets of credentials for your website, mobile app, testing, etc. Each set of credentials is called Journeys API: [Name].

Journeys API Credentials
The Data and Integrations page showing Journeys Track API credentials
The Data and Integrations page showing Journeys Track API credentials
Journeys API data sources
select the Journeys API source you want to connect to a destination
select the Journeys API source you want to connect to a destination

What’s the Track API? What are Journeys integrations?

If you’re asking this question, you probably don’t need to worry about it. Check out our integration directory or our API documentation and start integrating with Customer.io!

The Track API is an older (but still great!) way to get data into Customer.io. Journeys integrations are integrations built on the Track API. You’ll find these integrations (under Journeys > Data and Integrations > Integrations). The most popular Journeys integration is our Journeys JavaScript snippet.

What if I want to transform my data?

When you connect your Journeys integration traffic to a destination, we automatically transform your data to the newer Data Pipelines API format to support our data-out integrations, like Mixpanel, without writing any code.

But, if you want more control over how we map your Journeys integration data to downstream destinations, you can enable the Transform Data feature. This feature lets you set your own data transformations. Be careful: changing these mappings can affect how we process your data in Customer.io! See Advanced: Transform data for more information.

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