
Criteo Audiences Destination


About this integration

This destination sends information about your website’s visitors and app users from your sources to Criteo using Criteo’s Audience API. Identifying people and managing traits in Criteo helps you send hyper relevant ads to increase traffic, promote product discovery, and drive conversions.

Getting started

Before you can setup your Criteo Audiences destination, you need to create a Criteo API Marketing Solutions app to generate your app credentials. Follow Criteo’s Developer Portal checklist to generate your credentials.

You also need your Criteo Advertiser ID. Talk to your Criteo Account Strategist if you don’t know your Advertiser ID.

  1. Go to Data & Integrations > Integrations and select the Criteo Audiences entry in the Directory tab.

  2. (Optional) Select the data sources that you want to connect to your outbound integration. You can always connect data sources later. We’ll only show you data sources that work with your integration.

  3. Configure your integration.

    1. Client Id: Your Criteo API client ID

    2. Client Secret: Your Criteo API client secret

    3. Advertiser Id: Your Criteo Advertiser ID

    Setup your integration
    Setup your integration

  4. Click Enable Destination.


When you’re done setting things up, you can go to the Actions tab to see how we map incoming data to your integration.

You may need to add actions for this integration

While we often have default triggers for actions, we don't always add those actions as defaults. You may need to add actions to make sure that you're sending all the data that you want to send to your integration. See our actions page for help setting up actions.

ActionDefault TriggerDescription
Add users to Audience

type = “track” and
event = “Audience Entered”

Add users from Criteo audience by connecting to Criteo API
Remove users from Audience

type = “track” and
event = “Audience Exited”

Remove users from Criteo audience by connecting to Criteo API
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