
Resend past data

PremiumThis feature is available on our Premium and Enterprise plans. Updated

How it works

Imagine that you’ve sent source data to an analytics platform for six months. Now you want to move to a new platform—it might have features you need or just aligns better with your business needs. Do you really have to start fresh in your new analytics platform? What happens to that six months of data?

That’s what our Resend past data feature does: it lets you send data that you previously sent into Customer.io to a new outbound integration, so that you don’t have to start from scratch when you add a new outbound integration—like if you were to switch from one analytics platform to another.

We store incoming data forever (or for as long as you want us to) so that you can access it and replay it to outbound integrations on demand.

 Data Replay is available in Premium or Enterprise plans

We only resend past data beginning after you start a premium or enterprise plan. If you think you might want to replay your data over new integrations at any point, you should be on a premium or enterprise plan.

Data replay only supports non-legacy integrations

We can only replay data from our non-legacy integrations. And we can only replay data to our non-legacy, non syncStorage and data warehouse integrations (like Snowflake and Amazon Redshift) that sync data from Customer.io to your storage bucket. integrations.

How to resend data

Contact us! For now, you’ll have to let us know when you want to resend past data, and how far back you want to go.

  1. Set up your new data-out integration.

  2. Double-check the actions for the new integration. Make sure that your past data works with the triggers and mappings for your integration.

  3. Contact Customer.io and let us know that you want to resend data.

In the future, you’ll be able to resend data on your own!

What outbound integrations can I send past data to?

You can resend data to any new outgoing integration, but you’ll need to make sure that actions for the new integration support the source event(s) you care about. For example, if you capture group events, but your new integration doesn’t have a concept of groups, then those events won’t apply or get mapped to your new integration.

How long does it take to resend my data?

The time that it takes to resend data depends on:

  • The volume of data: how many events you want to send to your new integration.
  • Rate limits for the integration.

    If your integration has a rate limit of 1000 events per second and you have a million events, then it’ll take at least 16 minutes and 40 seconds to resend your data after we start the operation.

  • The total load on Customer.io during the resend operation.

    We process data with some elasticity. If it’s a busy day at Customer.io, it may take a little longer to resend your past data than it would on a slow weekend.

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