Screen tracking
UpdatedScreen views are events that record the pages that your audience visits in your app. They have a type
property set to screen
, and a name
representing the title of the screen or page that a person visited in your app.
Screen view events let you trigger campaignsCampaigns are automated workflows you set up to send people messages and perform other actions when they meet your criteria. or add people to segmentsA group of people who match a series of conditions. People enter and exit the segment automatically when they match or stop matching conditions. based on the parts of your app your audience uses. Screen view events also update your audience’s “Last Visited” attribute, which can help you track how recently people used your app.
Enable automatic screen tracking
We’ve provided some example code below using React Navigation for automatic screen tracking. This example requires @react-navigation/native
and @react-navigation/native-stack
to create a navigation container in App.js
If you want to send more data with screen events, or you don’t want to send events for every individual screen that people view in your app, you send screen events manually.
import { NavigationContainer, useNavigationContainerRef } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createNativeStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
import { useRef } from 'react';
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator();
export default function App() {
const navigationRef = useNavigationContainerRef();
const routeNameRef = useRef();
return (
onReady={() => {
routeNameRef.current = navigationRef.getCurrentRoute().name;
onStateChange={async () => {
const previousRouteName = routeNameRef.current;
const currentRouteName = navigationRef.getCurrentRoute().name;
if (previousRouteName !== currentRouteName) {
routeNameRef.current = currentRouteName;
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="FirstScreen">
<Stack.Screen name="FirstScreen"
<Stack.Screen name="SecondScreen" component={SecondScreen}
title : "My App",
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#F6F7F9',
Screenview settings for in-app messages uses screen
events to determine where users are in your app so you can target them with in-app messages on specific screens. By default, the SDK sends screen
events to’s backend servers. But, if you don’t use screen
events to track user activity, segment your audience, or to trigger campaigns, these events might constitute unnecessary traffic and event history.
If you don’t use screen
events for anything other than in-app notifications, you can set the ScreenViewUse
parameter to ScreenView.InApp
. This setting stops the SDK from sending screen
events back to but still allows the SDK to use screen
events for in-app messages, so you can target in-app messages to the right screen(s) without sending event traffic into!
import {
CioLogLevel, CioRegion, CustomerIO, CioConfig
} from 'customerio-reactnative';
const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const config: CioConfig = {
cdpApiKey: 'CDP API Key', // Mandatory
region: CioRegion.US,
screenViewUse: ScreenView.All
trackApplicationLifecycleEvents: true,
inApp: {
siteId: 'site_id',
}, [])
Send your own screen events
Screen events use the .screen
method. Like other event types, you can add a data
object containing additional information about the event or the currently-identified person.
CustomerIO.screen("screen-name", {"property": "value"})