
Configuration Options


The SDK consists of a few packages. You’ll get the most value out of Customer.io when you use all our packages together, but this lets you omit packages for features you don’t intend to use.

You’ll call configuration options before you initialize the SDK with CustomerIOConfig. When you initialize the SDK, you can pass configuration options. In most cases, you’ll want to stick with the defaults, but you might do things like change the logLevel when testing updates to your app.

  config: CustomerIOConfig(
    cdpApiKey: "YOUR_CDP_API_KEY", // Required
    migrationSiteId: "YOUR_SITE_ID", // Required to migrate from a previous version
    autoTrackDeviceAttributes: true,
    region: Region.us,
    logLevel: CioLogLevel.error
cdpApiKeystringRequired: the key you'll use to initialize the SDK and send data to Customer.io
regioneu or ususRequired if your account is in the EU region.
migrationSiteIdstringRequired if you're updating from 1.x: the credential for previous versions of the SDK. We use this key to send remaining tasks to Customer.io when your audience updates your app.
autoTrackDeviceAttributesbooleantrueAutomatically gathers information about devices, like operating system, device locale, model, app version, etc
screenViewUseAll or inAppallScreenView.all (Default): Screen events are sent to Customer.io. You can use these events to build segments, trigger campaigns, and target in-app messages.

ScreenView.InApp: Screen view events not sent to Customer.io. You’ll only use them to target in-app messages based on page rules.
trackApplicationLifecycleEventsbooleantrueSet to false if you don’t want the app to send lifecycle events like Application Opened
logLevelstringerrorSets the level of logs you can view from the SDK. Set to debug or info to see more logging output.
inApp.siteIdstringUsed to initialize the inApp package, and determines the workspace your in-app messages come from.
push.android.pushClickBehaviorstringactivityPreventRestartOne of resetTaskStack, activityPreventRestart, activityNoFlags; determines how to handle push clicks.
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