


To use the SDK, you’ll need two kinds of API keys: A CDP API Key to send data to Customer.io and a Site ID, telling the SDK which workspace your messages come from.

These keys come from different places in Customer.io!

  1. CDP API Key: You’ll get this key when you set up your mobile app as a data sourceAn integration that feeds data into Customer.io—a source of data. in Customer.io.
  2. Site ID: This key tells the SDK which workspace your in-app messages come from. You’ll use it to support inApp messages. If you’re upgrading from a previous version of the Customer.io SDK, it also serves as the migrationSiteId.

Get your CDP API Key

You’ll use your write key to initialize the SDK and send data to Customer.io; you’ll get this key from your mobile app’s data sourceAn integration that feeds data into Customer.io—a source of data. in Customer.io. If you don’t already have a mobile data source, you’ll need to set one up.

  1. Go to Data & Integrations > Integrations* and click Add Integration.
  2. On the Connections page under Sources, select your React Native source. If there is no React Native source, you’ll need to set one up.
    the connections page, showing an react native source connected to a journeys destination
    the connections page, showing an react native source connected to a journeys destination
  3. Go to Settings and find your API Key. Copy this key into the CioConfig.CdpApiKey config option.
    get your CDP API Key from your source's settings page
    get your CDP API Key from your source's settings page
    import {
    CioRegion, CustomerIO, CioConfig
    } from 'customerio-reactnative';
    const App = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
       const config: CioConfig = {
          cdpApiKey: 'CDP API Key', // Mandatory
          migrationSiteId: 'siteId', // Required if migrating from an earlier version
          region: CioRegion.US,
          inApp: {
             siteId: 'site_id',
       }, [])

Set up a new source

If you don’t already have a write key, you’ll need to set up a new data sourceAn integration that feeds data into Customer.io—a source of data.. The source represents your app and the stream of data that you’ll send to Customer.io.

  1. Go to Data & Integrations > Integrations and click Add Integration.
  2. Select React Native.
  3. Enter a Name for your integration, like “My React Native App”.
  4. We’ll present you with a code sample containing a cdpApiKey that you’ll use to initialize the SDK. Copy this key and keep it handy.
  5. Click Complete Setup to finish setting up your integration.
    Set your name, get your CDP API Key, and click Complete Setup
    Set your name, get your CDP API Key, and click Complete Setup

Remember, you can also connect your React Native app to services outside of Customer.io—like your analytics provider, data warehouse, or CRM.

Get your Site ID

You’ll use your site ID with the inApp option to support in-app messaging.

And if you’re upgrading from a previous version of the SDK, you’ll also use your site ID as your migrationSiteId. This key is used to send remaining tasks to Customer.io when your audience updates your app.

  1. Go to Settings > Workspace Settings in the upper-right corner of the Customer.io app and go to API and Webhook Credentials.

  2. Copy the Site ID for the set of credentials that you want to send your in-app messages from. If you don’t have a set of credentials, click Create Tracking API Key.

    find your site ID
    find your site ID
  3. You’ll use this key to initialize the inApp package.

    import {
      CioLogLevel, CioRegion, CustomerIO, CioConfig
    } from 'customerio-reactnative';
    const App = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
    const config: CioConfig = {
       cdpApiKey: 'CDP API Key', // Mandatory
       migrationSiteId: 'siteId', // Required if migrating from an earlier version
       region: CioRegion.US,
       logLevel: CioLogLevel.Debug,
       trackApplicationLifecycleEvents: true,
       inApp: {
          siteId: 'site_id',
       push: {
          android: {
             pushClickBehavior: PushClickBehaviorAndroid.ActivityPreventRestart
    }, [])

Securing your credentials

To simplify things, code samples in our documentation sometimes show API keys directly in your code. But you don’t have to hard-code your keys in your app. You can use environment variables, management tools that handle secrets, or other methods to keep your keys secure if you’re concerned about security.

To be clear, the keys that you’ll use to initialize the SDK don’t provide read access to data in Customer.io; they only write data to Customer.io. A bad actor who found your credentials can’t use your keys to read data from our servers.

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