Data Warehouses: Getting Started

PremiumThis feature is available on our Premium and Enterprise plans. Updated

Our data warehouse integrations let you send data about messages, people, metrics, etc to your data warehouse by way of an Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Project (GCP) storage bucket. From there, you can ingest the data to your warehouse.

You can find our data warehouse integrations by going to Data & Integrations > Integrations and selecting the Databases option. From here, you can select your data warehouse or storage bucket. If your data warehouse appears twice in this list, pick the Data out integration. Check out the specific documentation for your data warehouse for help setting up your integration.

On the left hand side, the icon for Journeys, a paper plane, is selected. On the panel to the right of this, the icon for Data & Integrations, three stacked cylinders, is selected. The page Integrations is selected. On the right hand side, the filters All types and Databases are selected. In the middle of the screenshot is a page titled All integrations. There is a 3 x 3 grid view of database integrations like Amazon Redshift. If you were to scroll down, you'd see more options.
On the left hand side, the icon for Journeys, a paper plane, is selected. On the panel to the right of this, the icon for Data & Integrations, three stacked cylinders, is selected. The page Integrations is selected. On the right hand side, the filters All types and Databases are selected. In the middle of the screenshot is a page titled All integrations. There is a 3 x 3 grid view of database integrations like Amazon Redshift. If you were to scroll down, you'd see more options.

How it works

This integration exports individual parquet files for Deliveries, Metrics, Subjects, Outputs, Content, People, and Attributes to your storage bucket. Each parquet file contains data that changed since the last export.

Once the parquet files are in your storage bucket, you can import them into data platforms like Fivetran or data warehouses like Redshift, BigQuery, and Snowflake.

Note that this integration only publishes parquet files to your storage bucket. You must set your data warehouse to ingest this data. There are many approaches to ingesting data, but it typically requires a COPY command to load the parquet files from your bucket. After you load parquet files, you should set them to expire to delete them automatically.

We attempt to export parquet files every 15 minutes, though actual sync intervals and processing times may vary. When syncing large data sets, or experiences a high volume of concurrent sync operations, it can take up to several hours to process and export data. This feature is not intended to sync data in real time.

sequenceDiagram participant a as participant b as Storage Bucket participant c as Your Data Warehouse loop up to every 15 minutes a->>b: export parquet files b->>c: ingest c->>b: expire/delete files
before next sync end

 Your initial sync includes historical data

During the first sync, you’ll receive a history of your Deliveries, Metrics, Subjects, and Outputs data. However, People who have been deleted or suppressed before the first sync are not included in the People file export and the historical data in the other export files is anonymized for the deleted and suppressed People.

The initial export vs incremental exports

Your initial sync is a set of files containing historical data to represent your workspace’s current state. Subsequent sync files contain changesets.

  • Metrics: The initial metrics sync is broken up into files with two sequence numbers, as follows. <name>_v4_<workspace_id>_<sequence1>_<sequence2>.
  • Attributes: The initial Attributes sync includes a list of profiles and their current attributes. Subsequent files will only contain attribute changes, with one change per row.

When you set up your sync, you can choose the parquet files that you want to export to your storage bucket. If you temporarily disable a file, and then turn it back on, the next parquet file will contain the changeset between when you disabled the file and when you enabled it.

flowchart LR a{is it the initial sync?}-->|yes|b[send all history] a-->|no|c{was the file
already enabled?} c-->|yes|d[send changes since last sync] c-->|no|e{was the file
ever enabled?} e-->|yes|f[send changeset since
file was disabled] e-->|no|g[send all history]

For example, let’s say you’ve enabled the Attributes export. We will attempt to sync your data to your storage bucket every 15 minutes:

  1. 12:00pm We sync your Attributes Schema for the first time. This includes a list of profiles and their current attributes.
  2. 12:05pm User1’s email is updated to
  3. 12:10pm User1’s email is updated to
  4. 12:15 We sync your data again. In this export, you would only see attribute changes, with one change per row. User1 would have one row dedicated to his email changing.

How do I get data into my data warehouse?

There are many approaches to ingesting data from your storage bucket, but here’s an example moving data from from a Google Cloud Storage bucket to Google BigQuery.

  • Implement a Cloud Function to automatically import the parquet files from your GCS bucket to a BigQuery table.
  • Set an expiration on the parquet files so they’re automatically deleted.

Below is a screenshot of an example Cloud Function. You can download sample code for this cloud function—based on our v3 schema—below here:

BigQuery Cloud Function set up
BigQuery Cloud Function set up

Our sample does not work for v4 schema, and it won’t work out of the box if you use a subfolder in the sync option. Make sure you review the code and making appropriate modifications to fit your use case.

Exported parquet files

This section describes the different kinds of files you can export from our Database-out integrations. Many schemas include an internal_customer_id—this is the cio_idAn identifier for a person that is automatically generated by and cannot be changed. This identifier provides a complete, unbroken record of a person across changes to their other identifiers (id, email, etc).. You can use it to resolve a person associated with a subject, delivery, etc.

Object-related schemas include an internal_object_id—an internal ID that we assign to all objects. You’ll use this value with the Objects export to resolve the names and IDs of your objects.

Deliveries schema

Deliveries are individual email, in-app, push, SMS, slack, and webhook records sent from your workspace. The first deliveries export file includes baseline historical data. Subsequent files contain rows for data that changed since the last export.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the delivery record.
delivery_idSTRING (Required). The ID of the delivery record.
internal_customer_idPeopleSTRING (Nullable). The cio_id of the person in question. Use the people parquet file to resolve this ID to an external customer_id or email address.
subject_idSubjectsSTRING (Nullable). If the delivery was created as part of a Campaign or API Triggered Broadcast workflow, this is the ID for the path the person went through in the workflow. Note: This value refers to, and is the same as, the subject_name in the subjects table.
event_idSubjectsSTRING (Nullable). If the delivery was created as part of an event-triggered Campaign, this is the ID for the unique event that triggered the workflow. Note that this is a foreign key for the subjects table, and not the metrics table.
delivery_typeSTRING (Required). The type of delivery: email, push, in-app, sms, slack, or webhook.
campaign_idINTEGER (Nullable). If the delivery was created as part of a Campaign or API Triggered Broadcast workflow, this is the ID for the Campaign or API Triggered Broadcast.
action_idINTEGER (Nullable). If the delivery was created as part of a Campaign or API Triggered Broadcast workflow, this is the ID for the unique workflow item that caused the delivery to be created.
newsletter_idINTEGER (Nullable). If the delivery was created as part of a Newsletter, this is the unique ID of that Newsletter.
content_idINTEGER (Nullable). If the delivery was created as part of a Newsletter split test, this is the unique ID of the Newsletter variant.
trigger_idINTEGER (Nullable). If the delivery was created as part of an API Triggered Broadcast, this is the unique trigger ID associated with the API call that triggered the broadcast.
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The timestamp the delivery was created at.
transactional_message_idINTEGER (Nullable). If the delivery occurred as a part of a transactional message, this is the unique identifier for the API call that triggered the message.
seq_numINTEGER (Required) A monotonically increasing number indicating relative recency for each record: the larger the number, the more recent the record.

Delivery Content schema

The delivery_content schema represents message contents; each row corresponds to an individual delivery. Use the delivery_id to find more information about the contents of a message, or the recipient to find information about the person who received the message.

If your delivery was produced from a campaign, it’ll include campaign and action IDs, and the newsletter and content IDs will be null. If your delivery came from a newsletter, the row will include newsletter and content IDs, and the campaign and action IDs will be null.

Delivery content might lag behind other tables by 15-30 minutes (or roughly 1 sync operation). We package delivery contents on a 15 minute interval, and can export to your data warehouse up to every 15 minutes. If these operations don’t line up, we might occasionally export delivery_content after other tables.

 Delivery content can be a very large data set

Workspaces that have sent many messages may have hundreds or thousands of GB of data.

 Delivery content is available in v4 or later

The delivery_content schema is new in v4. You need to update your data warehouse schemas to take advantage of the update and see Delivery Content, Subjects, and Outputs.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
delivery_idDeliveriesSTRING (Required). The ID of that delivery associated with the message content.
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the output record.
typeSTRING (Required). The delivery type—one of email, sms, push, in-app, or webhook.
campaign_idINTEGER (Nullable). The ID for the campaign that produced the content (if applicable).
action_idINTEGER (Nullable). The ID for the campaign workflow item that produced the content.
newsletter_idINTEGER (Nullable). The ID for the newsletter that produced the content.
content_idINTEGER (Nullable). The ID for the newsletter content, 0 indexed. If your newsletter did not include an A/B test or multiple languages, this value is 0.
fromSTRING (Nullable). The from address for an email, if the content represents an email.
reply_toSTRING (Nullable). The Reply To address for an email, if the content is related to an email.
bccSTRING (Nullable). The Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) address for an email, if the content is related to an email.
recipientSTRING (Required). The person who received the message, dependent on the type. For an email, this is an email address; for an SMS, it's a phone number; for a push notification, it's a device ID.
subjectSTRING (Nullable). The subject line of the message, if applicable; required if the message is an email
bodySTRING (Required). The body of the message, including all HTML markup for an email.
body_ampSTRING (Nullable). The HTML body of an email including any AMP-enabled JavaScript included in the message.
body_plainSTRING (Required). The plain text of your message. If the content type is email, this is the message text without HTML tags and AMP content.
preheaderSTRING (Nullable). "Also known as "preview text", this is the block block of text that users see next to, or underneath, the subject line in their inbox.
urlSTRING (Nullable). If the delivery is an outgoing webhook, this is the URL of the webhook.
methodSTRING (Nullable). If the delivery is an outgoing webhook, this is the HTTP method used—POST, PUT, GET, etc.
headersSTRING (Nullable). If the delivery is an outgoing webhook, these are the headers included with the webhook.

Metrics schema

Metrics exports detail events relating to deliveries (e.g. messages sent, opened, etc). Your initial metrics export contains baseline historical data, broken up into files with two sequence numbers, as follows: <name>_v4_<workspace_id>_<sequence1>_sequence2>.

Subsequent files contain rows for data that changed since the last export.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
event_idSTRING (Required). The unique ID of the metric event. This can be useful for deduplicating purposes.
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the metric record.
delivery_idDeliveriesSTRING (Required). The ID of the delivery record.
metricSTRING (Required). The type of metric (e.g. sent, delivered, opened, clicked).
reasonSTRING (Nullable). For certain metrics (e.g. attempted), the reason behind the action.
link_idINTEGER (Nullable). For "clicked" metrics, the unique ID of the link being clicked.
link_urlSTRING (Nullable). For "clicked" metrics, the URL of the clicked link. (Truncated to 1000 bytes.)
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The timestamp the metric was created at.
seq_numINTEGER (Required) A monotonically increasing number indicating relative recency for each record: the larger the number, the more recent the record.

Subjects schema

Subjects are the unique workflow journeys that people take through Campaigns and API Triggered Broadcasts. The first subjects export file includes baseline historical data. Subsequent files contain rows for data that changed since the last export.

 Upgrade to v4 to use subjects and outputs

We’ve made some minor changes to subjects and outputs a part of our v4 release. If you’re using a previous schema version, we disabled your subjects and outputs on October 31st, 2022. You need to upgrade to schema version 4, to continue syncing outputs and subjects data.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the subject record.
subject_nameSTRING (Required). A unique ID for the path a person took through a campaign or broadcast workflow.
internal_customer_idPeopleSTRING (Nullable). The cio_id of the person in question. Use the people parquet file to resolve this ID to an external customer_id or email address.
campaign_typeSTRING (Required). The type of Campaign (segment, event, or triggered_broadcast)
campaign_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the Campaign or API Triggered Broadcast.
event_idMetricsSTRING (Nullable). The ID for the unique event that triggered the workflow.
trigger_idINTEGER (Optional). If the delivery was created as part of an API Triggered Broadcast, this is the unique trigger ID associated with the API call that triggered the broadcast.
started_campaign_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The timestamp when the person first matched the campaign trigger. For event-triggered campaigns, this is the timestamp of the trigger event. For segment-triggered campaigns, this is the time the user entered the segment.
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The timestamp the subject was created at.
seq_numINTEGER (Required) A monotonically increasing number indicating relative recency for each record: the larger the number, the more recent the record.

Outputs schema

Outputs are the unique steps within each workflow journey. The first outputs file includes historical data. Subsequent files contain rows for data that changed since the last export.

 Upgrade to v4 to use subjects and outputs

We’ve made some minor changes to subjects and outputs a part of our v4 release. If you’re using a previous schema version, we disabled your subjects and outputs on October 31st, 2022. You need to upgrade to schema version 4, to continue syncing outputs and subjects data.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the output record.
output_idSTRING (Required). The ID for the step of the unique path a person went through in a Campaign or API Triggered Broadcast workflow.
subject_nameSubjectsSTRING (Required). A secondary unique ID for the path a person took through a campaign or broadcast workflow.
output_typeSTRING (Required). The type of step a person went through in a Campaign or API Triggered Broadcast workflow. Note that the "delay" output_type covers many use cases: a Time Delay or Time Window workflow item, a "grace period", or a Date-based campaign trigger.
action_idINTEGER (Required). The ID for the unique workflow item associated with the output.
explanationSTRING (Required). The explanation for the output.
delivery_idDeliveriesSTRING (Nullable). If a delivery resulted from this step of the workflow, this is the ID of that delivery.
draftBOOLEAN (Nullable). If a delivery resulted from this step of the workflow, this indicates whether the delivery was created as a draft.
link_trackedBOOLEAN (Nullable). If a delivery resulted from this step of the workflow, this indicates whether links within the delivery are configured for tracking.
split_test_indexINTEGER (Nullable). If the step of the workflow was a Split Test, this indicates the variant of the Split Test.
delay_ends_atTIMESTAMP (Nullable). If the step of the workflow involves a delay, this is the timestamp for when the delay will end.
branch_indexINTEGER (Nullable). If the step of the workflow was a T/F Branch, a Multi-Split Branch, or a Random Cohort Branch, this indicates the branch that was followed.
manual_segment_idINTEGER (Nullable). If the step of the workflow was a Manual Segment Update, this is the ID of the Manual Segment involved.
add_to_manual_segmentBOOLEAN (Nullable). If the step of the workflow was a Manual Segment Update, this indicates whether a person was added or removed from the Manual Segment involved.
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The timestamp the output was created at.
seq_numINTEGER (Required) A monotonically increasing number indicating relative recency for each record: the larger the number, the more recent the record.

People schema

The first People export file includes a list of current people at the time of your first sync (deleted or suppressed people are not included in the first file). Subsequent exports include people who were created, deleted, or suppressed since the last export.

People exports come in two different files:

  • people_v4_<env>_<seq>.parquet: Contains new people.
  • people_v4_chngs_<env>_<seq>.parquet: Contains changes to people since the previous sync.

These files have an identical structure and a part of the same data set. You should import them to the same table.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the person.
customer_idSTRING (Required). The ID of the person in question. This will match the ID you see in the UI.
internal_customer_idSTRING (Required). The cio_id of the person in question. Use the people parquet file to resolve this ID to an external customer_id or email address.
deletedBOOLEAN (Nullable). This indicates whether the person has been deleted.
suppressedBOOLEAN (Nullable). This indicates whether the person has been suppressed.
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The date/time when the person was added to (using the _created_in_customerio_at attribute). Note that this is not necessarily the same as a person's created_at value! If you import people from an external system, a CSV, or backdate the created_at value, this value is likely to be different from a person's created_at attribute.

Note that this value is 0 for deleted or suppressed people

updated_atTIMESTAMP (Required) The date-time when a person was updated. Use the most recent updated_at value for a customer_id to disambiguate between multiple records.
email_addrSTRING (Optional) The email address of the person. For workspaces using email as a unique identifier, this value may be the same as the customer_id.

Attributes schema

Attribute exports represent changes to people (by way of their attribute values) over time. The initial Attributes export includes a list of profiles and their current attributes. Subsequent files contain attribute changes, with one change per row.

For changes to nested attributes, like the subscription preferences attribute, the attribute_name will be the top-level attribute and the attribute_value returns the stringified JSON representing the nested changes. Using our subscription preferences example, the attribute_name would be cio_subscription_preferences and the attribute_value would be something like "{\"topics\":{\"topic_7\":false,\"topic_8\":false}}".

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the person.
internal_customer_idSTRING (Required). The cio_id of the person in question. Use the people parquet file to resolve this ID to an external customer_id or email address.
attribute_nameSTRING (Required). The attribute that was updated.
attribute_valueSTRING (Required). The new value of the attribute.
timestampTIMESTAMP (Required). The timestamp of the attribute update.

Campaigns schema

When you enable the Campaign Metadata schema, we actually return two different tables: Campaigns and Actions. The Campaigns table returns the names and versions of your campaigns. Some other tables—like Deliveries and Subjects—return campaign ID values. You can use this table to get campaign names based on those IDs so you can better understand exports related to campaigns.

With each sync, we’ll return the rows where the version changed. The version is a number that increments each time a campaign is updated. This way, you can keep your campaign names and versions up-to-date.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace containing the campaign.
campaign_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the campaign.
nameSTRING (Required). The name of a campaign. You set this in when you create your campaign.
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The date-time (in milliseconds) when you created the campaign. You can create campaigns without activating them!

updated_atTIMESTAMP (Required) The date-time (in milliseconds) when a campaign was last updated.
versionINTEGER (Required) An incrementing number starting at 1 representing the “version” of the campaign. The largest version number represents the latest version of the campaign. Versions increment when you change the name, trigger, or goal of a campaign. See the Actions table for changes to messages and other items in your campaign workflow.

Actions schema

When you enable the Campaign Metadata schema, we actually return two different tables: Campaigns and Actions. The Actions table returns the names and versions of workflow steps in your campaigns, which we call actionsA block in a campaign workflow—like a message, delay, or attribute change.. Some other tables—like Deliveries and Subjects—return action ID values. You can use this table to get the names of actions in your campaigns, so it’s easier for you to understand your campaign and action-related data.

With each sync, we’ll return the rows where the version changed. The version is a number that increments each time a campaign is updated. This way, you can keep your understanding of campaign actions up-to-date.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace containing the workflow action.
campaign_idCampaignsINTEGER (Required). The ID of the campaign containing the action.
action_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the action.
nameSTRING (Optional). The name of a workflow action. You set this in when you create or edit your action. If you didn't set a name for the action, this field is empty.
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The date-time (in milliseconds) when you created the workflow action.

updated_atTIMESTAMP (Required) The date-time (in milliseconds) when a workflow action was last updated.
versionINTEGER (Required) An incrementing number starting at 1 representing the "version" of the workflow action. The largest number for any action represents the latest version. The version changes whenever you update the name, content, or settings of your workflow action.

Objects schema

The first Object export file includes a list of current objects at the time of your first sync (deleted objects are not included in the first file). Subsequent exports include objects who were created, deleted, or suppressed since the last export.

When you enable the Objects export, we also export Object Types.

object exports come in two different files:

  • object_v4_<env>_<seq>.parquet: Contains new objects.
  • object_v4_chngs_<env>_<seq>.parquet: Contains changes to objects since the previous sync.

These files have an identical structure and a part of the same data set. You should import them to the same table.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the object.
object_type_idObject TypesINTEGER (Required). Object type IDs begin at 1 and increase sequentially. For example, if you created objects call Accounts and Companies, in that order, they’d have object types 1 and 2 respectively.
object_idSTRING (Required). The ID of the object in question. This will match the ID you see in the UI.
internal_object_idSTRING (Required). A unique, immutable ID that assigns to the object. Other exports use this value in to reference your object; you can use this export to resolve internal IDs to your object IDs.
deletedBOOLEAN (Nullable). This indicates whether the object has been deleted.
created_atTIMESTAMP (Required). The date/time when the object was added to your workspace.
updated_atTIMESTAMP (Required) The date-time when a object was updated. Use the most recent updated_at value for an object_id to disambiguate between multiple records.

Object Types schema

We export object types when you enable the Objects export. All objects have a type indicating what kind of entity they are—like an account or company. The object_type value is an integer starting at 1. For example, if you create two types of objects in your system, accounts and companies, in that order, accounts have an object_type of 1 and companies have an object_type of 2.

The first export includes a list of object types at the time of your first sync (we don’t include deleted types in the first file). Subsequent exports include types you created, updated, or deleted since the last sync.

object exports come in two different files:

  • object_types_v4_<env>_<seq>.parquet: Contains new object types.
  • object_types_v4_chngs_<env>_<seq>.parquet: Contains changes to object types since the previous sync.

These files have an identical structure and a part of the same data set. You should import them to the same table.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the object.
object_type_idINTEGER (Required). Object type IDs begin at 1 and increase sequentially. For example, if you created objects call Accounts and Companies, in that order, they’d have object types 1 and 2 respectively.
nameSTRING (Required). The name of the object type, like "Accounts" or "Companies."
slugSTRING (Required). The value you use to reference objects of this type with liquidA syntax that supports variables, letting you personalize messages for your audience. For example, if you want to reference a person’s first name, you might use the variable {{customer.first_name}}.. For example, if your object type is Accounts, you’ll typically reference objects using {{objects.accounts}}.
deletedBOOLEAN (Required). If true, the object type has been deleted.
enabledBOOLEAN (Required). If true, the object type is enabled. You can’t use disabled object types in segments, messages, and so on. Learn more

Object Attributes schema

Object attribute exports contain changes to object attributeA key-value pair that you associate with a person or an object—like a person’s name, the date they were created in your workspace, or a company’s billing date etc. Use attributes to target people and personalize messages. Attributes are analogous to traits in Data Pipelines.. The initial export includes a list of your current objects and their attributes. Subsequent files contain changes to object attributes, with one change per row.

If your object attributes contain nested JSON, the attribute_name is the top-level attribute and the attribute_value returns the stringified JSON for that attribute.

Field NamePrimary KeyForeign KeyDescription
workspace_idINTEGER (Required). The ID of the workspace associated with the person.
object_type_idObject TypesINTEGER (Required). The type of the object represented by the internal_object_id. Object type IDs begin at 1 and increase sequentially. For example, if you created objects call Accounts and Companies, in that order, they’d have object types 1 and 2 respectively.
internal_object_idObjectsSTRING (Required). A unique, immutable ID that assigns to the object. You can resolve this value to the object name or ID you’re familiar with from the associated Objects export.
attribute_nameSTRING (Required). The attribute that changed.
attribute_valueSTRING (Required). The new value of the attribute.
timestampTIMESTAMP (Required). The timestamp of the attribute update.



If you’re on a prior schema, your Objects and Subjects tables were disabled on October 31, 2022. You’ll need to upgrade to continue receiving subjects and outputs.

Version 4 includes the following changes from v3:

  • The Subjects and Outputs tables have been disabled for previous versions. You must update to v4 to use Subjects and Outputs.
  • Added a Delivery Content table, similar to the Deliveries table but this new table includes the actual message content for each delivery. You can associate content with a delivery by delivery_id.
  • The Outputs schema now includes a new subject_name column. This is the same column from the Subjects table.
  • Removed subject_id from the Outputs table.

Upgrade to v4

  1. In your workspace, go to Data & Integrations > Integrations, and click your data warehouse integration.
  2. Click Upgrade Sync. We’ll automatically disable the Subjects and Outputs schemas, so you can update your database.
  3. In your database, add a string-type subject_name column to the Outputs table.
  4. Query the Subjects table to populate the new outputs.subject_name column.
  5. Drop the subject_id column from the Subjects and Outputs tables in your database.
  6. (Optional) Create a Delivery Content table based on the new delivery_content schema
  7. Return to and re-enable the Subjects, Outputs, and/or Delivery Content schemas.


Version 3 includes the following changes from v2:

  • A seq_num column in the Deliveries, Subjects, Outputs, and Metrics tables. This is a constantly increasing value, where a larger value indicates a more current record.
  • People tables now contain record updates, rather than only the record as first created. For example, we produce a new record if you change a person’s email, delete them, or suppress them.
  • The People table now has an updated_at column. Because many data warehouses don’t replace rows when adding duplicate primary keys, you can select the most recent updated_at value for each profile.
  • The People table now contains an email_addr column.


Data warehouse sync v2 includes the following changes from v1:

  • Support for transactional messages (as transactional_message_id) in the Deliveries schema.
  • A fix for an issue that caused missing rows in Subjects and Outputs data. As a result of this bug, data warehouse v1 no longer supports Subjects or Outputs data.

If you used our initial data warehouse release, we recommend updating to the v2 implementation. However, you can continue using our original data warehouse sync feature if you don’t use:

  • Subjects and/or Outputs data
  • Transactional messages

Frequently asked questions

How are exported parquet files organized?

Each parquet file is named <name>_v<x>_<workspace_id>_<sequence>.

  • <name> is either deliveries, metrics, subjects, outputs, or people.
  • v<x> indicates the schema version. The current version is v4; v1 schemas do not have a version indicator and are deprecated.
  • <workspace_id> refers to the workspace whose data is included.
  • <sequence> is an ever-increasing value over time.

 Initial metrics sync file names

Your initial metrics sync is broken up into files that indicate a starting and ending sequence, to help you order things appropriately, for example: <name>_v<x>_<workspace_id>_<sequence_pt1>_<sequence_pt2>

How do you handle export failures?

If we experience an internal failure, we monitor and repair it promptly. If there’s an external failure such as a networking problem, we retry the export; the next successful export will contain all data since the last successful export. You won’t lose data.

If there’s a failure preventing us from connecting to your storage bucket, we’ll reach out to you with details. When you fix the issue, the next export will contain all data since the last successful export. If your export continues to fail after we’ve sent follow-ups, we’ll delete it automatically so that it doesn’t consume unnecessary resources.

How should I import data from my bucket to my data warehouse?

There are many approaches to this, but here’s one example we’ve seen work for moving data from a GCS bucket to BigQuery.

  • Implement a Cloud Function to automatically import the parquet files from your GCS bucket to a BigQuery table.
  • Set an expiration on the parquet files so they get automatically deleted.

Below is a screenshot of an example Cloud Function. You can download sample code for this cloud function—based on our v4 schemas—below here:

BigQuery Cloud Function
BigQuery Cloud Function

How can I get information about a campaign, workflow action, or message?

We now have the Campaign Metadata schemas, which return campaign and actionA block in a campaign workflow—like a message, delay, or attribute change. names. Beyond that, you can our App API to pull any extra information you need.

For example, calling with the id of the campaign from a subject record will give you details about the campaign.

How do I get all of the attributes for a profile?

On setup, the initial Attributes export will include a list of profiles and their current attributes. Subsequent files will only contain attribute changes, with one change per row. In order to get the most recent attributes for a particular profile, you’ll need to use the timestamp value to query for the latest.

An example query for Snowflake would be:

select internal_customer_id, attribute_name, attribute_value 
from (select internal_customer_id, attribute_name, attribute_value, row_number() over (partition by internal_customer_id,attribute_name order by timestamp desc) RNO from attributes) 
where rno=1 and internal_customer_id='xxxxxxxxxxx';
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