
Deliveries & Drafts data


The Deliveries & Drafts page shows you a list of delivered or drafted messages across all journeys and provides a way to export data within a specified timeline.

You can see a list of deliveries. It is filtered for the last month.
You can see a list of deliveries. It is filtered for the last month.

To view deliveries or drafts over a specific time period:

  1. Select Deliveries & Drafts from the left hand menu.
  2. Select either the Deliveries or Drafts tab.
  3. Filter for messages across any and all channels (email, in-app, etc). For delivered messages, you can search by status (sent, failed, attempted, etc), too.
  4. Click a message to view the message body and supporting data, such as the campaign it belongs to.

Export to CSV

To export deliveries or drafts over time:

  1. Select Deliveries & Drafts from the left hand menu.
  2. Select either the Deliveries or Drafts tab.
    1. From the Deliveries tab, filter by the channel and status you want in your export. The date filter on the table has no impact on the export; you’ll set that in the next step.
    2. From the Drafts tab, filter by the channel and date range (maximum 12 months at a time) you want to export.
  3. Select Export to CSV above the table (for Deliveries, you’ll choose your date range here - max 12 months at a time).
  4. Then confirm your export.

The export may take a few minutes, depending on the amount of data. You will receive an email to download your CSV or you can find it in Data & Integrations > Exports.

Export fields

  • id
  • campaign_id - includes deliveries for API-triggered broadcasts
  • campaign_name - includes deliveries for API-triggered broadcasts
  • newsletter_id
  • newsletter_name
  • template_id - message id
  • template_name - message name
  • transactional_message_id
  • transactional_message_name
  • subject
  • action_id - id of the workflow action item. For instance, if you dragged an email onto the canvas and clicked the item, you’d see the id on the top right of the left pane.
  • parent_action_id
  • customer_id
  • recipient - the To field of the message
  • created
  • created_RFC3339*
  • failure_message
  • sent
  • sent_RFC3339*
  • delivered
  • delivered_RFC3339*
  • opened
  • opened_RFC3339*
  • clicked
  • clicked_RFC3339*
  • converted
  • converted_RFC3339*
  • bounced
  • bounced_RFC3339*
  • spammed
  • spammed_RFC3339*
  • unsubscribed
  • unsubscribed_RFC3339*
  • suppressed
  • suppressed_RFC3339*
  • failed
  • failed_RFC3339*
  • drafted
  • drafted_RFC3339*
  • topic_unsubscribed
  • topic_unsubscribed_RFC3339*
  • email - will not populate if you deleted the user from your workspace

*RFC3339 is a date and time standard like so: 2023-05-09T18:20:45Z.

Troubleshoot failed and attempted messages

If you see Attempted or Failed as a status on your message, go to Failed and attempted messages for more information and help fixing any errors.

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