Reverse ETL Overview


Import people, objects, and relationships from your database. Reverse ETL integrations ensure that people in your workspace reflect the latest information from your CRM or other backend system.

A "reverse ETL" integration extracts, transforms, and loads data from your database to your workspace. With this integration, you can automatically add or update people, objects, and their relationships in from your database on a recurring interval.

When you set up your integration, you can import people or objects—you cannot import both with the same query. In either case, you can also use a separate "relationships" query to set relationships between people and objects—relative to the thing you import. So, if you import people, you set relationships to objects; if you import objects, you relate them to people.

When you sync people, you can also add people to, or update people in, a manual segment. This helps you trigger campaigns automatically based on changes from each sync interval.

For more information, visit our documentation specific to your database:

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