Twilio SMS: Tracking


Now that you’ve successfully sent a Twilio SMS, how do you track them? There are several ways to track your sent Twilio messages:

  1. From the campaign’s (and your account’s) Delivery Logs
  2. By creating a segment

1. Viewing Twilio tracking information in delivery logs

You can filter for your Twilio messages in the Delivery Logs for your campaign by visting the campaign’s sent messages page. From there, select Twilio SMS from the Display dropdown.


Here, you will see:

  • The user who triggered the SMS
  • The name of the SMS
  • The status of the SMS (sent or failed)
  • Date and time sent
  • Conversions after receiving the SMS
  • You’re also able to retry any failed SMS’s

On the campaign overview page, you can track metrics for your sent SMS messages as well.


2. Creating a segment

As with an email, you can create a segment for SMS’s that have been sent, converted, etc.

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