
Troubleshooting Your Drag-and-Drop Emails


We’re continuously checking your message for errors, in your links, headers, and any liquid code you write. Some errors might prevent your message from sending, while others might be completely innocuous! Here’s a guide for how to find and see the errors in our drag-and-drop editor, as well as how to fix them.

Errors in email content

We’ll let you know of any errors in your email content in the buttons at the top of the editor. If there are none, the buttons look like this.


If there are problems, though, the button will change to “Review Errors” and animate to get your attention!


Click Review Errors to see a pop-up window describing the error(s):

An image of the review errors window that states a variable is missing.
An image of the review errors window that states a variable is missing.

Learn more about errors you could encounter while composing an email.

Email not updating?

If you’ve recently written some liquid and your email does not update when you preview it, check to see if you’ve used any logical or comparison operators such as &, >, or <. These don’t work when typed directly into the editor, and should be added via our Add Liquid option:


Click Review Links in the top right to see which links have issues and why:


Errors in email headers

If you have an error in one of your email headers, you’ll see a red exclamation point in the header:


Then, when you open it, you’ll be able to see exactly which fields the error pertains to. In this case, it’s the “To” field:


If you click Review Errors, you’ll see exactly what the error is. In this case, it’s improper liquid syntax:


Fixing errors

Unfortunately, there are quite a few ways for an email to go wrong, particularly when a lot of dynamic data is used. We’ve done our best to exhaustively document the different error types for you here, to help you address them each in kind.

Have questions or feedback?

Yes, please! We want to improve the drag-and-drop editor’s error detection and help you be more aware of any issues with your messages, as well as how to fix those issues:

  • Is a specific error confusing?
  • Would you prefer it if we showed you errors in a different way? Do you expect them to see them at a different time or in a different area of the editor?
  • What kind of errors do you find yourself fixing most often? Do they frustrate you?
  • Does something work exactly as you do expect? Tell us about that, too!

Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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