Welcome Email Copy


Got email writer’s block? Here are copy templates for 5 different types of Welcome emails that can help get you started. The templates on this page refer to an imaginary productivity app called Prioritizer.

General product / service welcome

This is a basic welcome message from a business, app, or website that is sent after people sign up for an account.

Hi Bob!

Welcome to Prioritizer! Thanks so much for joining us. You’re on your way to super-productivity and beyond!

[who we are; our mission/ what we help you do; how it works]
Prioritizer is a task management app that helps you focus on the important things in life by only allowing you to add 3 items a day. Set and track daily, weekly, and monthly priorities — and get the stuff that matters done.

[what to do next that will set you up for success]
Our number one tip to get the most out of Prioritizer is to download our browser extension and give it a whirl. [how it helps] It’ll make sticking to your priorities super simple and just a click away.

[CTA](Download the extension)

[open communication channel for questions, conversations, and help]
Have any questions? Just shoot us an email! We’re always here to help.

Cheerfully yours,
The Prioritizer Team

Grab your editable google doc template here.

Newsletter subscription welcome:

Whether the goal is to nurture leads, build an audience, engage existing customers, or promote sales, roll out a great welcome to your brand.

Hi Linda!

Thanks so much for signing up for the Prioritizer newsletter! [set up expectations/make personal connection] You’re joining an amazing community of folks who love nerding out about productivity.

[set up expectations re: frequency + type of content]
You’re joining an amazing community of folks who love nerding out about productivity. Here’s what to expect: every Tuesday you’ll get an email with a collection of our best content with actionable advice and food for thought to help you get more done.

[who we are / why company exists]
Oh, by the way, let’s introduce ourselves before we get going. Prioritizer is a task management app that helps you focus on the important things in life by only allowing you to add 3 items a day. Our goal with the newsletter and our content is to create and share content that will help you be more effective with your time!

[best content / freebies to build trust + affinity]
As you wait for the next issue, check out some of our most popular posts. They’re a great place to get started. (links)

[openness to conversation]
We’d love to chat. Just hit reply to this email or any of our newsletters to get in touch with feedback, questions, or ideas for us!

Have an awesome day!
Louise, Prioritizer Marketing Manager

[secondary call to action can go here, or a trust-winning reminder how easy it it is to unsubscribe]
p.s. Want to check out our Prioritizer app? Head here to sign up for a free trial.

Grab your editable google doc template here.

Personal outreach welcome

You may want to automatically send people a personal welcome message from someone in the company a few days after they sign up. This type of personal outreach invites communication and can be a helpful opportunity for new users to bring up issues.

Hi Gene!

I’m Louise Belcher, CEO of Prioritizer. I’d like to personally thank you for signing up. Welcome aboard our journey towards smarter task management and happier productivity!

[explain mission / common goal; personally connect with the reader]
We started Prioritizer because we’ve always had trouble keeping a realistic to-do list that made sure important priorities got done. So much of your day escapes you because you end up doing reactive work that feels more urgent.

[lead into what you’d like the reader to do next]
Our mission is to help people keep on track with valuable goals. So I wanted to make sure you get the most out of your trial. [CTA] Check out our 5 top tips for success with Prioritizer.

[open door to support and feedback]
I’d love to hear whether you think Prioritizer helps fulfill your big goals or what we can do to improve. If you have any questions about getting started, I’m happy to help. Just reply to this email!

Let’s do great things together!
Louise Belcher

[postscript call to action - great spot to get a little more salesy, offer an incentive, ask a specific question to elicit a response, or express extra personality]
p.s. I love reading about productivity but hate wasting time finding quality stuff. What’s your favorite source of good reads?

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Free sample welcome

Companies, especially many SaaS businesses, offer free content, such as e-books, guides, and other resources in exchange for an email address. This is often your first point of contact with someone who’s just expressed interest in your product area.

It’s just as crucial to make a memorable first impression in this case and set any expectations for marketing emails to follow.

[greeting & gratitude]
Hi Bob,

Thanks so much for your interest in our 50 Most Successful Productivity Lifehacks book! [access to resource] Here’s your download link.

[what’s next?]
You’ll also start receiving weekly emails with thoughtfully human-curated content and our best blog posts full of actionable advice and food for thought to help you get more done. If that’s not your jam, no worries - just click the unsubscribe link.

[explain who you are, make a short pitch to give context for your call to action] At Prioritizer, we’re only interested in lifehacks that make it easier to focus on accomplishing great goals — so much so that we made an app for it! We help you keep a realistic to-do list of priorities.

[CTA] Check out our 30-day free trial!
(Start being more productive)

Always here if you have any questions,
The Prioritizer Team

[postscript - a nice spot to ask for a visibility boost for your content]
p.s. Think this guide is helpful? Just click here to share with friends and colleagues.

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