Track events


Events represent things people do in your app so that you can track your audience’s activity and metrics. Use events to segment your audience, trigger campaigns, and capture usage metrics in your app.

Track a custom event

The track method helps you send events representing your audience’s activities to When you send events, you can include event properties—information about the person or the event that they performed.

In, you can use events to trigger campaigns and broadcasts. Those campaigns might send someone a push notification or manipulate information associated with the person in your workspace.

Events include the following:

CustomerIO.instance().track("purchase", buildJsonObject {
    put("product", "socks")
    put("price", "4.99")
  name = "purchase",
  properties = mapOf("product" to "socks", "price" to "4.99")

 Perform downstream actions with semantic events

Some downstream actions don’t neatly map to our simple identify, track, and other calls. For these, we use “semantic events,” events that have a special meaning in and your destinations. See Semantic Events for more information.

Anonymous activity

If you send a track call before you identify a person, we’ll attribute the event to an anonymousId. When you identify the person, we’ll reconcile their anonymous activity with the identified person.

When we apply anonymous events to an identified person, the previously-anonymous activity becomes eligible to trigger campaigns in

Semantic Events

Some actions don’t map cleanly to our simple identify, track, and other calls. For these, we use “semantic events,” events that have a special meaning in and your destinations.

These are especially important in for destructive operations like deleting a person. When you send an event with a semantic event name, we’ll perform the appropriate action.

For example, if a person decides to leave your service, you might delete them from your workspace. In, you’ll do that with a Delete Person event.

  name = "Delete Person"
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