Handling Multiple Push Providers


How to handle multiple push providers

If you use another push service alongside our SDK (like FlutterFire), then that other service takes over push handling by default and prevents your app from receiving rich push notifications from Customer.io.

There are two ways to solve this problem, but we typically recommend the first option, because it’s more flexible and lets you process notifications through another service. The second option causes our SDK to take over push handling entirely.

Option 1 (Recommended): Let Customer.io process notification payloads

You can pass the payloads of other message services to Customer.io whenever a device receives a notification, so our SDK can process it for you. The SDK exposes the onMessageReceived and onBackgroundMessageReceived methods for this purpose. A true value (the default) means that the Customer.io SDK will generate the notification and track associated metrics. A false value means that the SDK will only process the notification to track metrics but will not generate a notification on the device.

CustomerIO.messagingPush().onMessageReceived(payload).then((handled) {
  // handled is true if notification was handled by Customer.io SDK; false otherwise
  return handled;
CustomerIO.messagingPush().onBackgroundMessageReceived(payload).then((handled) {
  // handled is true if notification was handled by Customer.io SDK; false otherwise
  return handled;

Imagine that you use FlutterFire (Firebase for Flutter) alongside our SDK. You might use the onMessageReceived and onBackgroundMessageReceived methods to handle notifications like this:

FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) {
  CustomerIO.messagingPush().onMessageReceived(message.toMap()).then((handled) {
    // handled is true if notification was handled by Customer.io SDK; false otherwise
    return handled;
// Annotation is required only for Flutter version 3.3.0 or higher (to prevent removal during tree shaking in release mode)
Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
  await Firebase.initializeApp();
  CustomerIO.messagingPush().onBackgroundMessageReceived(message.toMap()).then((handled) {
    // handled is true if notification was handled by Customer.io SDK; false otherwise
    return handled;

void main() async {
  // Initialize required SDKs
  // Run the app

Option 2: Register Customer.io Messaging Service

If you add another push service along with our SDK, like FlutterFire (Firebase for Flutter), it will take over push notification handling and prevent your app from receiving rich push notifications from Customer.io. To fix this issue, you need to add the following code under the <application> tag in the Manifest.xml file in your app’s Android folder.

        <action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />

 This method causes the Customer.io SDK to handle all your push notifications

If you use the code above:

  • Your app will receive all simple and rich push notifications from Customer.io.
  • When your app is in the background, it can receive push notifications with a notification payload from other services.
  • Your app cannot receive data-only push notifications from another service.

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